Home Books Learn the Micro:Bit using the Arduino IDE ebook

Learn the Micro:Bit using the Arduino IDE ebook

by shedboy71

The micro:bit is a great little board for learning, its easy to add support for this in the Arduino IDE which opens up many examples which you can see in this ebook that we have written and published on the Kindle store

Here are the contents of the ebook, so you can see exactly what you get

Introducing the Micro:bit 4
Setting up the Arduino IDE 6
Install the Arduino IDE 6
Adding support for the Micro:bit 8
Flashing a SoftDevice 8
Micro:Bit Features 9
LED matrix 9
Buttons 12
micro:bit onboard 3-axis accelerometer using the Arduino IDE 13
micro:bit magnetometer with the Arduino IDE 15
Basic Examples 17
External LED example 17
Arduino and RGB LED example 20
Micro:bit and LDR example using the Arduino IDE 23
Basic Sensor Projects 26
Temperature readings using a TMP102 26
Temperature, pressure and altitude with a BMP280 30
Temperature measurement using an LM75 sensor 34
Micro:bit and Si1145 sensor example 36
MAX30102 pulse and heart-rate monitor sensor and micro:bit 42
VEML6040 color sensor and micro:bit 46
ADS1115 analog-to-digital converter and micro:bit 49
PAJ7620 gesture sensor and micro:bit example 52
MLX90615 infrared thermometer and micro:bit example 56
MPL3115A2 absolute pressure sensor example 59
VL53L0X Time-of-Flight sensor and micro:bit 63
MS5611 barometric pressure sensor example 67
OPT3001 Digital Ambient Light Sensor 70
MAG3110 magnetic sensor example 74
MMA7660 accelerometer example 79
HDC1080 humidity and temperature sensor example 82
micro:bit and OLED display example 85
bme280 environmental sensor example 88
MICRO:BIT and I2C LCD example 94
micro:bit and TM1637 7 segment display example 96
Si7021 I2C Humidity and Temperature Sensor example 99
TEMT6000 ambient light sensor 103
Microbit and GUVA-S12SD UV Sensor 106
AM2320 temperature and humidity sensor 109
DHT12 temperature sensor 112
micro:bit and TCS34725 Color Sensor 116
micro:bit and HMC5883L magnetometer example 120
MCP4725 DAC example 123
SHT31 temperature and humidity sensor 126
micro:bit and bmp180 sensor example 130
In review 134

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