Home CodeArduino Microbit and TSL2591 light-to-digital converter example

Microbit and TSL2591 light-to-digital converter example

by shedboy71

In this article we look at another light-to-digital converter – this time its the TSL2591 and we will connect it to our Microbit

First lets look at the sensor

The TSL2591 is a very high sensitivity light-to-digital converter that transforms light intensity into a digital signal output capable of direct I2C interface. The device combines one broadband photodiode (visible plus infrared) and one infrared-responding photodiode on a single CMOS integrated circuit.

Two integrating ADCs convert the photodiode currents into a digital output that represents the irradiance measured on each channel.

This digital output can be input to a microprocessor where illuminance (ambient light level) in lux is derived using an empirical formula to approximate the human eye response. The TSL2591 supports a traditional level style interrupt that remains asserted until the firmware clears it


  • Highest sensitivity to 188µLux
  • Patented dual-diode architecture
  • 600M:1 dynamic range
  • Programmable interrupt function
  • UV-rejection package

This is the breakout I bought

Parts Required

Once again for ease of use I connect an expansion board to the microbit, I feel this makes it easier to connect to a sensor like the one pictured above using connecting wire


microbit and tsl2591

microbit and tsl2591

Code Example

This uses the library from https://github.com/adafruit/Adafruit_TSL2591_Library

This is the default example

[codesyntax lang=”cpp”]

/* TSL2591 Digital Light Sensor */
/* Dynamic Range: 600M:1 */
/* Maximum Lux: 88K */

#include <Wire.h>
#include <Adafruit_Sensor.h>
#include "Adafruit_TSL2591.h"

// Example for demonstrating the TSL2591 library - public domain!

// connect SCL to I2C Clock
// connect SDA to I2C Data
// connect Vin to 3.3-5V DC
// connect GROUND to common ground

Adafruit_TSL2591 tsl = Adafruit_TSL2591(2591); // pass in a number for the sensor identifier (for your use later)

    Displays some basic information on this sensor from the unified
    sensor API sensor_t type (see Adafruit_Sensor for more information)
void displaySensorDetails(void)
  sensor_t sensor;
  Serial.print  (F("Sensor:       ")); Serial.println(sensor.name);
  Serial.print  (F("Driver Ver:   ")); Serial.println(sensor.version);
  Serial.print  (F("Unique ID:    ")); Serial.println(sensor.sensor_id);
  Serial.print  (F("Max Value:    ")); Serial.print(sensor.max_value); Serial.println(F(" lux"));
  Serial.print  (F("Min Value:    ")); Serial.print(sensor.min_value); Serial.println(F(" lux"));
  Serial.print  (F("Resolution:   ")); Serial.print(sensor.resolution, 4); Serial.println(F(" lux"));  

    Configures the gain and integration time for the TSL2591
void configureSensor(void)
  // You can change the gain on the fly, to adapt to brighter/dimmer light situations
  //tsl.setGain(TSL2591_GAIN_LOW);    // 1x gain (bright light)
  tsl.setGain(TSL2591_GAIN_MED);      // 25x gain
  //tsl.setGain(TSL2591_GAIN_HIGH);   // 428x gain
  // Changing the integration time gives you a longer time over which to sense light
  // longer timelines are slower, but are good in very low light situtations!
  //tsl.setTiming(TSL2591_INTEGRATIONTIME_100MS);  // shortest integration time (bright light)
  // tsl.setTiming(TSL2591_INTEGRATIONTIME_200MS);
  // tsl.setTiming(TSL2591_INTEGRATIONTIME_400MS);
  // tsl.setTiming(TSL2591_INTEGRATIONTIME_500MS);
  // tsl.setTiming(TSL2591_INTEGRATIONTIME_600MS);  // longest integration time (dim light)

  /* Display the gain and integration time for reference sake */  
  Serial.print  (F("Gain:         "));
  tsl2591Gain_t gain = tsl.getGain();
    case TSL2591_GAIN_LOW:
      Serial.println(F("1x (Low)"));
    case TSL2591_GAIN_MED:
      Serial.println(F("25x (Medium)"));
    case TSL2591_GAIN_HIGH:
      Serial.println(F("428x (High)"));
    case TSL2591_GAIN_MAX:
      Serial.println(F("9876x (Max)"));
  Serial.print  (F("Timing:       "));
  Serial.print((tsl.getTiming() + 1) * 100, DEC); 
  Serial.println(F(" ms"));

    Program entry point for the Arduino sketch
void setup(void) 
  Serial.println(F("Starting Adafruit TSL2591 Test!"));
  if (tsl.begin()) 
    Serial.println(F("Found a TSL2591 sensor"));
    Serial.println(F("No sensor found ... check your wiring?"));
    while (1);
  /* Display some basic information on this sensor */
  /* Configure the sensor */

  // Now we're ready to get readings ... move on to loop()!

    Shows how to perform a basic read on visible, full spectrum or
    infrared light (returns raw 16-bit ADC values)
void simpleRead(void)
  // Simple data read example. Just read the infrared, fullspecrtrum diode 
  // or 'visible' (difference between the two) channels.
  // This can take 100-600 milliseconds! Uncomment whichever of the following you want to read
  uint16_t x = tsl.getLuminosity(TSL2591_VISIBLE);
  //uint16_t x = tsl.getLuminosity(TSL2591_FULLSPECTRUM);
  //uint16_t x = tsl.getLuminosity(TSL2591_INFRARED);

  Serial.print(F("[ ")); Serial.print(millis()); Serial.print(F(" ms ] "));
  Serial.print(F("Luminosity: "));
  Serial.println(x, DEC);

    Show how to read IR and Full Spectrum at once and convert to lux
void advancedRead(void)
  // More advanced data read example. Read 32 bits with top 16 bits IR, bottom 16 bits full spectrum
  // That way you can do whatever math and comparisons you want!
  uint32_t lum = tsl.getFullLuminosity();
  uint16_t ir, full;
  ir = lum >> 16;
  full = lum & 0xFFFF;
  Serial.print(F("[ ")); Serial.print(millis()); Serial.print(F(" ms ] "));
  Serial.print(F("IR: ")); Serial.print(ir);  Serial.print(F("  "));
  Serial.print(F("Full: ")); Serial.print(full); Serial.print(F("  "));
  Serial.print(F("Visible: ")); Serial.print(full - ir); Serial.print(F("  "));
  Serial.print(F("Lux: ")); Serial.println(tsl.calculateLux(full, ir), 6);

    Performs a read using the Adafruit Unified Sensor API.
void unifiedSensorAPIRead(void)
  /* Get a new sensor event */ 
  sensors_event_t event;
  /* Display the results (light is measured in lux) */
  Serial.print(F("[ ")); Serial.print(event.timestamp); Serial.print(F(" ms ] "));
  if ((event.light == 0) |
      (event.light > 4294966000.0) | 
      (event.light <-4294966000.0))
    /* If event.light = 0 lux the sensor is probably saturated */
    /* and no reliable data could be generated! */
    /* if event.light is +/- 4294967040 there was a float over/underflow */
    Serial.println(F("Invalid data (adjust gain or timing)"));
    Serial.print(event.light); Serial.println(F(" lux"));

    Arduino loop function, called once 'setup' is complete (your own code
    should go here)
void loop(void) 
  // unifiedSensorAPIRead();




Open the serial monitor and you should see something like this

Starting Adafruit TSL2591 Test!
Found a TSL2591 sensor
Sensor: TSL2591
Driver Ver: 1
Unique ID: 2591
Max Value: 88000.00 lux
Min Value: 0.00 lux
Resolution: 0.0010 lux

Gain: 25x (Medium)
Timing: 300 ms

[ 1287 ms ] IR: 1580 Full: 5023 Visible: 3443 Lux: 128.383667
[ 2217 ms ] IR: 1594 Full: 5123 Visible: 3529 Lux: 132.244583
[ 3147 ms ] IR: 1597 Full: 5136 Visible: 3539 Lux: 132.658463
[ 4077 ms ] IR: 1600 Full: 5145 Visible: 3545 Lux: 132.875839





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