This is a fairly simple dice throwing game for the micro:bit, in this example you shake the micro:bit and a dice image will be displayed on the LEDs
The example is written in python, I used Mu.
Parts List
Fairly simple to understand the first part is all to do with creating the dice images, we then generate a random number and then show the necessary image
[codesyntax lang=”python”]
from microbit import * import random one = Image("00000:" "00000:" "00900:" "00000:" "00000") two = Image("00000:" "09000:" "00000:" "00090:" "00000") three = Image("90000:" "00000:" "00900:" "00000:" "00009") four = Image("00000:" "09090:" "00000:" "09090:" "00000") five = Image("00000:" "09090:" "00900:" "09090:" "00000") six = Image("09090:" "00000:" "09090:" "00000:" "09090") display.scroll('Shake to play') while True: if accelerometer.was_gesture('shake'): throw = random.randint(1, 6) if throw == 1: display.show(one) if throw == 2: display.show(two) if throw == 3: display.show(three) if throw == 4: display.show(four) if throw == 5: display.show(five) if throw == 6: display.show(six)